
Stabilized Rooting Media

22/50 Q Plug


Q Plug is the key to maintaining a clean growing environment. It is specifically designed to germinate seedlings or to root cuttings. Q Plug has been engineered so that you may transplant or handle your plants at any stage.

  • Product #: Q40J392
  • Plug Dimensions: 0.86″x1.96”
  • Plugs per case: 4000
  • Cases per Pallet: 24
  • Available Dibble Sizes: ¼” , Slice 
  • Recommended Tray fitment : 98, 105, 392


Q Plug is an all-around propagation plug designed for any style of growing system. Your Q Plug can be transplanted into loose mix, row crop or incorporated into most any hydroponic, aeroponic or aquaponic application. Q Plug is engineered to maintain its shape throughout the life-cycle of your crop with minimal slouching of material to not only make it one of the cleanest plug options on the market but reducing costly expenditures in maintenance of clogged filtration systems.

The porosity Q Plugs provides to the root zone can help in stronger root development for healthier plants and increases in yield.

Our 22/50 Q Plug is a slightly larger sized plug for general ornamental and poinsettia/ geranium production. The 22/50 is also a popular choice for vertical tower growers and indoor ag. Available in a ¼”x ¼” size dibble, most recommended for seed or larger caliper cuttings. The 22/50 is also available with a Slice which makes it a great option for Tissue Culture plantlets.

See why your favorite grower uses the IHORT brand. Proudly made in the USA.

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