Excel Plug®
Quick-Start Pre-filled Trays
78-13 Excel Plug Tray
The IHORT Excel Plug is a softer and less bound plug offering. Designed to mimic loose soil but still held together enough to maintain its shape outside of the tray. Our patented revolutionary line of 78 Ener-G series tray design can help keep roots from twisting which will in turn enhance a faster growing plant!
- Product code: X10TO78-13-BX
- Cells per tray: 78
- Cell Dimension (in.): 1.26” W x 1.74” H
- Perimeter Trim (in.): 10 “x 20”
One of three different configurations in our patented line of 78 cell Ener-G Excel Plug trays, the 78-13 features an 100% open cell bottom to reduce root twisting. The 78-13 Ener-G Excel Plug Tray features perforations to allow the grower to separate the trays in 6 equal strips of 13 cells each. This feature is ideal and designed for Poinsettia production.
Utilizing the open bottom cell can trick your plants into believing they are in a larger container through air pruning, not only strengthening your plants but also gaining time within the cell itself. Our patented line of 78 Ener-G trays were originally developed for Fischer USA and have been utilized worldwide across a variety of crops grown.
Available in bulk and case quantities. Made in the USA.