A Recipe for Plant Propagation Success: Combining the Advantages of Tray Systems with IHORT Products

In the areas of horticulture and agriculture, the choice of cultivation methods profoundly impacts plant health, yield, and overall efficiency. Among the different techniques available, using trays for growing plants stands out as a reliable and advantageous approach. Trays offer a structured environment where seeds germinate, cuttings root, and seedlings flourish.

Using trays for plant propagation offers several advantages that contribute to successful seed germination and early plant development, making the process more efficient and effective. From optimized space utilization to precise moisture control, the advantages of utilizing seedling or planting trays span diverse growing environments and applications. 


Using seedling or planting trays provides a structured and uniform germination or cutting propagation environment. This consistency helps ensure that plants within the same tray experience similar growing conditions, resulting in uniform growth and development. When it’s time to put plants in wholesale or retail markets or transplant them into the field, plants are similar in size and robustness.

Space Efficiency

Trays are designed to be compact and maximize space efficiency. This efficiency allows a large(r) number of plants to propagate in a relatively small area. There is little to no room lost between containers. 

As trays are either square or rectangular, they also create a very organized layout on growing benches or tables. An organized layout makes it easier to manage and monitor multiple plants simultaneously.

Moisture Control

Trays typically have consistent moisture distribution because of their shallow depth. This uniform moisture promotes improved germination rates and enhanced root development. Another moisture control benefit they offer is that they often come with features like bottom watering or capillary mats, reducing water wastage and ensuring efficient use of irrigation.

When utilizing bottom watering or capillary mats, the moisture level is equilibrated and stays consistently moist without being soggy. Seedlings and cuttings don’t suffer moisture stress from underwatering and are less susceptible to damping off due to overwatering.

Temperature Control

As trays are typically larger, they also provide thermal mass, which helps to stabilize temperature fluctuations within the growing medium. The temperature stabilization creates a more controlled microclimate for seedlings or cuttings.

Some starter seed trays are also designed to work with bottom heat sources such as growing mats, which can enhance germination rates and overall root development.

Ease of Handling

Trays are easy to transport, making moving seedlings or cuttings around the greenhouse or nursery convenient. They’re also efficient; moving a tray of dozens of plants is more manageable than moving individual containers.

Plants grown in trays are often easier to handle during transplanting and demonstrate less transplant shock because of their strong root ball development. The confined space of individual cells in trays helps keep roots compact and well-contained, minimizing root disturbance and reducing the risk of damage during transplantation.

Environmental Control

Trays are designed with efficient seeding and propagating in mind. They can provide an optimal environment for germination and root development, with the ability to control factors such as relative humidity and temperature.

Disease Management

The individual cells in trays help isolate plants, reducing the risk of disease transfer from one plant to another. Hygienic practices also have an advantage; trays can be easily cleaned and sanitized between uses, promoting better hygiene in the propagation process.

Resource Efficiency

Growing trays are also fantastic at helping optimize the use of your growing media, reducing waste, and minimizing any environmental impact associated with the generation or disposal of the chosen substrate. Utilizing controlled watering systems within the trays further improves resource efficiency by reducing overconsumption of water.

In turn, your growing operation boasts improved sustainability.

Time Savings

Growing trays significantly streamline the propagation process, saving time and labor compared to potting or planting into individual containers. 

All the cells across the planting seed tray are filled with growing media simultaneously—and easily—and can propagate or plant anywhere from six to upwards of 200 seeds, cuttings, or tissue cultures. Pulling individual pots apart, filling them with growing media, and planting or propagating is unnecessary.


Lastly, growing trays come in various sizes and configurations—anywhere from small 6-celled trays to the standard 72-cell seedling trays. The sizes allow you to customize your setup based on the specific needs of different plant species and propagation methods.

Some trays are also designed for specific purposes, such as air pruning trays that encourage the development of a fibrous root system to foster robust, healthy plant growth.

Incorporating IHORT Plugs in Your Grow System

Adding iHort Q plugs or Excel plugs to your growing trays is an excellent way to fully reap the benefits of growing trays. Our patented growing materials are scientifically proven to enhance root development and plant growth.

The Q Plug is specifically designed to root cuttings or germinate seedlings in a closely populated tray system. It provides more air porosity and water control than anything else on the market. 

The quick-start Excel Plug comes ready for use in a pre-filled tray, saving your operation time and labor and ultimately reducing operating costs. These plugs are designed with mechanical transplant growers in mind, boasting a softer shape that leaves little to no residue behind.

Recognizing the diverse needs of various cultivation systems, we acknowledge that operations are unique. To accommodate this diversity, we provide the Q Plug and Excel Plug in multiple sizes and shapes to suit your trays and specific growing requirements. Our products are crafted to efficiently address tasks, regardless of their scale.

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